Sr. Engineer - Data Science

What an opportunity! An exciting role for the opinionated data engineer. With exclusive access to a unique and growing dataset, this is an opportunity to develop new models that solve problems up to and including predictions. Our opinions drive our actions, and this is nothing less than an opportunity to bridge that gap... and more. We expect at least 5 years experience passionately building client-side applications. An ability to design innovative visualizations is a major plus. And some basic javascript server-side work in the form of cloud functions will be a part of this role, so basic javascript proficiency is another plus. An exceptional technical opportunity offering the potential to mature into leadership in a high-growth startup.

What we believe

  1. Success is, first & foremost, a team story.

  2. Great teams come from passion, empathy, and communication - Love what you do and the people you do it with, or find something else.

  3. Diverse teams create better, more expansive solutions. We know this from experience and are committed to diversity not just as a matter of principle, but also of profit.

  4. Simplicity in the user experience is almost always traceable to simplicity and elegance in code.

  5. Titles are good and useful in many people-based systems, but decision making is most effective and complete with more engaged voices. This does not mean decision-by-committee, a fatally problematic decision-making model in any environment that values innovation, but it does mean that we actively seek out, engage, and then listen to a range of voices.

  6. Assume nothing... think always in First Principles (easier said than done).

  7. Laughter makes us (and you) happier.

  8. Work should happen at a location where you feel most productive.

  9. Engineering is the means, not the end. Ideology must be tempered by pragmatism.

  10. Everything we do reflects our commitment to deliver a consistently fun & bold user experience.

  11. The ability to identify problems (especially the systemic variety) is valuable. The ability to solve problems (especially the systemic variety) is most valuable.

  12. Move Fast & Break Things is appropriate in many contexts, and disastrous in others. Not knowing the difference could lead to errors that carry existential consequences. Maturity means knowing the difference.

  13. Communication should be done often, and repeatedly, to the point of redundancy. As Bernard Shaw causally noted, "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."

  14. Hide nothing because transparency drives better decision making and promotes good behavior.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - G Bernard Shaw


  1. Python, or other domain appropriate language(s).

  2. Broad, demonstrable, experience with large scale machine learning projects.

  3. Strong Statistical Analysis. Major plus.

  4. D3 or other robust visualization libraries.

  5. Constant communication. You believe and act in manner consistent with a core belief that team success relies on communication.

  6. Fearlessness. You see a working proof-of-concept as the best way to make a point. You strive on proving that speed and quality are not conflicting; that you can achieve both at the same time

  7. Commitment to results. We are 100% user focused which means that you will only build software that furthers user experience. You must always think in terms of results.

  8. Strong architectural chops. You know how to build highly scalable, robust, and fault-tolerant services that support our unique rate-of-growth requirements. You stay up-to-date with the latest architectural trends

  9. A team player. You believe that you can achieve more on a team — that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You rely on others’ candid feedback for continuous improvement

  10. Design & Business Acumen. You understand requirements beyond the written word. Whether you’re working on an API used by other developers, an tool consumed by our internal team, or a feature used by millions of users, your attention to detail leads to a delightful user experience

Material Compensation

  • Competitive $pay

  • Generous equity grant

  • Bonuses (performance based)


  • About Staance

  • Staance App on the AppStore

  • Staance App on the PlayStore

  • Our business solutions for enterprises, small businesses, agencies, schools, and politicians who want to better understand their audiences.



San Francisco, California

United States



© 2020 STAANCE, Inc. You Should Be Heard.

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